Friday, June 16, 2006

Blood Donation - WED 21 June

Dear friends,

ONE DAY YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!! but if you're lucky someone might be there to help you through it, but just remember that they are only there because they are willing!! here's your chance to be that willing someone!

Just by sitting there you could make a huge difference in someones life (ie no effort accept turning up!!). Want to be a kinder person, someone who is willing to give, well here is your chance!!

YADs trimonthly blood donation is happening again this wednesday, and if you thought you too scared to do it yourself, well come join a whole bunch of other whoosies and do it together.

Details: St johns on wellington street (oposite pier st)
Time: 6.00pm wednesday night onwards

Need to bring: your healthy body (must be more than 45kg) and drink at least 2-3 litres of water during the day prior to coming in.

Just rock up come up stairs, and there will be someone there to greet you!

any questions please ring esther 0421 211 618. or email me.


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