Thursday, July 31, 2008

Saturday Sports

Helloooo people!!

Victa here with some upcoming sports updates!!!

Our next sport is BADMINTON again! and yes it is very exciting so I will give you the details!

Where is it at? As usual the venue for this event is the UWA rec centre
what time is it? Starts at 1pm and ends at 2pm!! Saturday August 2nd
What shall I bring? Bring your uber Badminton racquet and about $5 preferably in coins to make it easy and if you don't actually have a racquet it's ok, we'll lend you one of our uber racquets =] (it's cheaper on the day!)
Walao! Who do I contact? You can either contact Me (0401406417) or Dear Cheechie poo (0423383543) for any questions or details. This includes transport inquiries also!

Yup.. thats it, Hope to see you all there and don't forget you're welcome to bring your many many friends along, as they say the more the merrier.


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