Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Dharma Fri 26th May

hello everyone! Im Baaaack!

which can only mean one thing. Another "fun" dharma
friday is just around the corner! =)

This week ive decided that the topic of the class will
be the Diamond Sutra. It is one of the most
philosophical and deepest sutra in buddhism but
extremely fascinating none the less.

With descriptions such as "The ‘Diamond Sutra’ urges
devotees to cut through the illusions of reality that
surround them. Names and concepts given to both
concrete and abstract things are merely mental
constructs that mask the true, timeless reality lying
behind them"


"Diamond Sutra is an important teaching to break up

the ignorance of the attachments of the self (and ego)
and of the Dharma"

you know its hardcore =)

Anyway same time same place (FGS Temple, 281 Guildford Rd, Maylands)
Meditation 7.00 - 7.20
Dharma Class 7.30 -9.00

If you need transport please contact Lay Yoke 0422 574
624 or email anything else
contact me email or 0421 605 422


Zen Story
Id like to share an experience that i had on my recent trip to thailand. In Buddhism we are told there are many reasons why we bow down to the Buddha, be it to pay respects,homage etc, another reason it to let go of SELF or of your EGO. i never fully understood this until i was at a temple in thailand in a foreign land and a foreign place. I stood there before the buddha while everyone else was bowing down and i was thinking to myself that i didnt want to do it and that i dont have to do what i dont want to, and my mind came up with all these reasons why i dont want to bow. But then i realised that these were the exact reasons why i SHOULD, because it was my EGO's way of saying that i was too good for this.

When your mind comes up with all these reasons why you shouldnt bow down, these are the EXACT reasons why you should, because it means your ego is getting too big! its hard for your ego to accept that things are bigger, grander, more holier, more worthier than it.

But by bowing down you are accepting this and letting
go of this notion of EGO. and so thats what i did, i got down on my hands and knees and bowed before the buddha.

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