Monday, May 15, 2006

Dharma Friday 19th May

Dear Dharma Friends,

Nam is still on holiday in Thailand so it's my turn again to send this week's email.

Dharma Friday

This Friday evening we have another special guest. Reverend Yao from the FGS temple will be giving us another talk this Friday so please come along and share in her wisdom (and share your own!).

What: Dharma talk with Reverend Yao
Where: FGS Temple - 281 Guildford Rd, Maylands
When: 7pm-9pm (we also usually meet in a nearby coffee shop for a coffee afterwards as well) / 19th May 2006
Transport: For Transport, please email or call/sms Lay Yoke Ng ( / 0422 574 624) and state your name, address and any other details that would be important for us to know... i.e. if you need to leave early or late, get picked up earlier. We're very happy to give you a lift if you need one!
Questions: If you have any questions about this event, please contact Ga Vin on 0413263355 (three) or email me at


Coming up soon is the annual Australia and New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference, a chance for Buddhist Youth from all the different YADs around Australia and New Zealand to get together and meet each other! This year the conference will be held at Nan Tien Temple in Wollongong, New South Wales. The temple is about 2 hours from Sydney.

The theme of this year's conference is "Auspicious Co-Existence" and it serves as a great excuse to...
1. Go to Sydney
2. Have fun with some fantastic people from all around Australia
3. Learn more about Buddhism (and about our international organisation, YAD)
4. Visit Nan Tien Temple, one of the largest temples in the southern hemisphere (if not THE largest one)
5. And much much more!

I've been to a bunch of these and I can say that it's definitely more than worthwhile. (Just ask me if you want to hear some good stories ;-) ) Yes flights may have gone up in price a bit but it's worth it!

Where: Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong, NSW
When: 14 Jul - 17 Jul
How Much: $160 before 19th May / $180 after 19th May
What: Australia and New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference / "Auspicious Co-existence"
For more info: Contact Ser Ley Lee on 0433 776 507 or

New YAD Blog!

You can now visit our new YAD blog at
Feel free to post your comments and let us know what you think of our events. (Apologies for the totally off-topic videos :P Totally my fault!)

Send us Feedback!

Finally,please feel free to send myself or Nam ( feedback on what topics you'd like to see at our weekly Dharma Fridays. Whether it's an area of Buddhist knowledge you're interested in, or an area of personal development, please let us know. We'd love to hear from you, so that we can make our Friday get-togethers more relevant to you!

And now... our Weekly Zen Story :-)

A famous spiritual teacher came to the front door of the King's palace. None of the guards tried to stop him as he entered and made his way to where the King himself was sitting on his throne.

"What do you want?" asked the King, immediately recognizing the visitor.

"I would like a place to sleep in this inn," replied the teacher.

"But this is not an inn," said the King, "It is my palace."

"May I ask who owned this palace before you?"

"My father. He is dead."

"And who owned it before him?"

"My grandfather. He too is dead."

"And this place where people live for a short time and then move on - did I hear you say that it is NOT an inn?"

With Metta,

Ga Vin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On that note, Gav and I have been talking about the possiblity of running a self development course in the near future. It will be a series of workshops focused on inner work, taking ourselves on an inner journey by using artistic/expressive therapeutic techniques. It will require "closed" groups (ie the participants will need to be committed for the duration of the course and no additional members should be added to the group for that series of workshops).

Can I get a response as to how many people would be interested in something like that, and what kind of topics they are interested in addressing? (e.g. Inner child work, discovering your creativity, dealing with your emotions, creative life-planning, looking at different aspects of your life, etc etc).